With reference to the survey conducted by SEOMoz now Moz in 2012 displays a wide variety of data in the SEO world. The purpose of the survey was to gain insight of the state and attributes of the SEO industry.
Some of the appealing factors from the survey are displayed in this article:-
- The general trend of online marketing survey reveals that 47% of the marketers are positioned in United States and 77% are males. Majority of internet marketers belong to the average age category of 26 to 34-years.
- In the international segment, representation of United States seems to be the highest with 47.3%, United Kingdom 12.9% followed by Canada and India of 4.4% and 4.09%. The countries showing least representation seems to be China, New Zealand, and Sweden each at 0.5%. Google Analytics have emerged as the top tool mostly used by SEO?s at 93% followed by Google Adwords at 88.3%.
- Now-a-days, a number of services are offered by most SEO companies of which 92% of the companies employ SEO services as an element of their package.
- The survey also reveals the service areas that are gaining importance are social media and community management at 72% followed by search engine optimization at 71%.
- Geography based SEO shows a percentage of 65%, content marketing illustrates 56%, and deportment of 54% analytics.
It is a known fact that clients always believe in positive reports. As per the world SEO survey of client reports, monthly reports at 49% out-ranked the weekly reports at 32% leaving behind the quarterly, daily and annual reports at 9%, 7% and 3% respectively.
Survey of world SEO industry helps organizations to compare their businesses with the standards of the industry. Off late, the SEO industry has been showing a positive trend regarding business growth and is expected to flourish in 2013.